Saturday, July 30, 2011

Winged Bride Weds On New Suffolk Beach

(OK, so let me start by saying how lame I am that my phone camera photo file was full and you will be deprived of enjoying all the photos I snapped of the happy event...all for naught, my climbing around behind sand dunes, feet entangled in doggie leash, trying to be invisible in my pjs (always walk doggie in pjs), as the happy couple and their guests gathered around the chuppah in the morning sun.)
So I'm walking Luna this morning, half asleep, and as we approach the beach I see alldressedup people on the beach, someone laying out a long carpet on the sand ---- is that a chuppah blowing in the breeze, is that a female rabbi????? ----- amidst a few early stragglers arriving with umbrellas, coolers and whining kids --- move over and let these optimists have their wedding!!!! I am convinced it's a gay wedding. Smiling, barefoot bald guy in fashionable black suit and sunglasses, female rabbi -- gotta be gay! Yippeeeee!!! New Suffolk leads the way again!!! Wrong, bride arrives, fashionably late, flowing white, strapless, backless gown --- wait a minute --- she has WINGS TATTOOED ON HER BACK!!!!! Yippeeeee again! You just never know what you're gonna see when you're walking your dog, in your pjs, on a Saturday morning in New Suffolk.
All this AND the NOFO Rock and Folk Fest this weekend in Cutchogue!!